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How Wide Is a Single Wide Mobile Home?

If you’re considering purchasing a mobile home, you may wonder how wide they are. Mobile homes come in various widths, but the most common width for a single wide is 14 feet. This width does not include the width of the porch or other exterior features.

Mobile homes are popular for those who want an affordable alternative to a traditional home. They can be placed on a rented lot in a mobile home park or on your property. Many people enjoy the freedom and flexibility that mobile homes offer.

How Wide Is a Single Wide Mobile Home?

A single wide mobile home typically ranges from 12 to 16 feet wide. The average width of a single wide is 14 feet.

How Wide Is a Single Wide Mobile Home

If you’re considering moving to a smaller home or simply curious about mobile homes, you might wonder how big a single wide mobile home is. Here’s a look at the average size of a single wide mobile home, as well as the size of a few popular models.

The average single-wide mobile home is around 14 feet and 40 feet long. However, there is a lot of variation in dimensions of a mobile home, as these homes can be as small as 8 feet wide and 32 feet long or as large as 20 feet wide and 60 feet long.

Some of the most popular models of single-wide mobile homes include the 12-foot wide by 40-foot long “park model” and the 16-foot wide by 80-foot long “double-wide.” Park models are usually the smallest and most basic type of mobile home, while double-wides are typically the largest and most luxurious.

No matter your size, a single wide mobile home can be a great option for those who want to downsize or simplify their life. These homes are typically more affordable than traditional homes, and they can be placed in various locations.

Average single wide mobile home dimensions and square footage

When it comes to mobile homes, there are a lot of variables to consider. One of the most important is size. How big is the average single-wide mobile home?

The average single-wide mobile home is about 14 feet wide and 40 feet long. That’s about 560 square feet of living space. But that’s just an average. Some single-wide mobile homes are as small as 8 feet wide and 32 feet long, while others can be as large as 20 feet wide and 60 feet long.

Square footage is just one way to measure mobile homes. Another is by the number of rooms. The average single-wide mobile home has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. But again, there is a lot of variation. Some single how long is a single wide mobile home have only two bedrooms, while others have four or more.

So when it comes to size, it really depends on what you need and want in a mobile home. But on average, they are about 14 feet wide and 40 feet long, with three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Common single wide mobile home size

When it comes to single wide mobile homes, there are a few common mobile home standard sizes that you will see. The most common size is 16×80, but you will also see sizes like 14×70 and 12×60. These homes are typically around 1,000 square feet, give or take a few hundred square feet.

While the size of a single wide mobile home can vary, a few things will be the same no matter the size. For example, most single wide mobile homes will have three bedrooms and two bathrooms. This is the most common layout, but there are also homes with two bedrooms and two bathrooms or even four bedrooms and two bathrooms.

No matter the size of the home, single-wide mobile homes are a great option for those who are looking for an affordable and customizable home. These homes are typically much cheaper than traditional homes, and they can be easily customized to fit your needs.

Characteristics of a Single-Wide

Assuming you would like an article discussing the characteristics of a single-wide mobile home:

A single-wide mobile home is a prefabricated home that is typically 14 to 16 feet wide and 40 to 80 feet long.

These homes are built in a factory and then transported to a site where they are assembled. Single-wide mobile homes are the most common type of mobile home.

Advantages of Single-Wide Mobile Homes

Single-wide mobile homes are the most economical type of mobile home. They are typically much less expensive to purchase than a double-wide or multi-section home.

They are also much easier and less expensive to transport and set up. Single-wides can be placed on various property types, including leased land in a mobile home park or your land.

Disadvantages of Single-Wide Mobile Homes

One potential disadvantage of a single-wide mobile home is that they are often not as structurally sound as a double-wide or multi-section home.

They can be more susceptible to damage from high winds and severe weather. Another potential disadvantage is that single-wides can sometimes feel cramped and small.

A double-wide or multi-section home may be a better option if you are looking for a mobile home with more space.

Locations for Single-Wides

Many people are now choosing to live in single-wide mobile homes on their own land, rather than in manufactured housing communities. There are many reasons for this, including the desire for more privacy and space, and the freedom to customize one’s own home.

If you’re considering placing a single-wide mobile home on your own land, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, you’ll need to ensure that the land you select is zoned for this type of housing.

Next, you’ll need to ensure adequate space for the home and any outbuildings or other structures you might want to add. Finally, you’ll need to be aware of any setback requirements that might apply in your area.

Once you’ve selected the perfect spot for your new home, the sky’s the limit regarding what you can do with the rest of the property. Many people choose to landscape their home, adding gardens, decks, and other outdoor living spaces.

Others use the extra space for storage, building sheds or garages. And still, others simply enjoy the extra space and privacy that comes with owning a larger property.

Whatever you decide with your land, remember that placing a single-wide mobile home on it is a great way to get the home of your dreams without breaking the bank. With a bit of planning, you can find the perfect location for your new home and enjoy all the benefits of owning your property.


Does the size of a mobile home affect the price?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the price of a mobile home can be affected by several factors, including the size of the house, location, age, and amenities.

How much does a new single-wide mobile home cost?

The average cost of a new single-wide mobile home is between $30,000 and $50,000.

How much does it cost to move a single wide mobile home?

Moving a single wide mobile home typically costs between $1,000 and $5,000. This cost will depend on the weight of the house, the distance of the move, and the type of equipment needed.

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If you’re thinking about purchasing a mobile home, be sure to keep the width in mind. 14 feet is the most common width for a single wide, but they can be narrower or wider depending on the model and manufacturer.

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